That’s right – having a real-life orthodontist or dentist looking closely at your teeth can greatly affect your treatment.
It boils down to three things an orthodontist or dentist does for you:
1. They examine your X-rays,2. Check for underlying teeth conditions, and3. Check if you need IPR (Interproximal reduction) prior to wearing invisible braces/aligners
Missing any of the above mentioned steps may subject you to unnecessary risks and potentially even irreversible damage to your teeth.
Not fun at all.
X-rays enable orthodontists and dentists to keep an eye out for any type of dental abnormalities, including impacted teeth, cysts, and supernumeraries. These are issues that need to be resolved before orthodontic treatment can proceed – if at all.
As with any other type of cosmetic treatment, a clear and thorough process is important for a smooth and optimal experience.
The only way to know is sit in the dentist chair and let the doctor take a thorough look-see inside your mouth.
Think of this critical in-chair time as a “discovery-phase”. Your dentist will use this opportunity to get the lay of the land and identify anything that could complicate your invisible braces journey – like periodontitis, gum disease, etc.
That’s because orthodontic tooth movement (no matter from traditional or invisible braces) in patients with active periodontal disease can aggravate the condition, potentially leading to tooth loss.
Before we jump into IPR, let’s talk about bimaxillary protrusion, also known as BIMAX. BIMAX is when your top and bottom teeth protrude outwards and cause your lips to stick out.
Did you know that many Asians have some degree of BIMAX? And jumping into orthodontic treatment that doesn’t account for BIMAX could worsen it, affect your bite, and in some unfortunate cases, cause you to have difficulty chewing!
That’s why we highly recommend checking with your dentist to determine if you need IPR (interproximal reduction) before getting your invisible braces done in Singapore. This ensures there is sufficient space for your teeth to move as they realign during braces treatment.
At Zenyum, we believe in placing orthodontists and dentists at the heart of your braces treatment.
Because we put you and your experience first. We constantly strive to deliver the highest quality of care, whilst remaining affordable.
Here’s a breakdown of how we bring our orthodontists and dentists closer to you without compromising your convenience.
Are there other safe braces in Singapore besides Zenyum?
If you are straightening your teeth in Singapore, look for brands which maintain tight dentist-patient interactions for safer treatment outcomes.
This includes regular check-ins with dentists, whether that's in person or online.
Maybe you’ve always found dental visits a troublesome affair that involves long wait times.
But you’ll find that with ZenyumClear Aligners, all that extra care with a licensed professional by your side every step of the way makes it all worthwhile.
Answer a few questions, and take four teeth pictures. It only takes a few minutes!
Receive a call from us to schedule your dentist appointment
You’ll have 3D scans and X-rays taken of your teeth by your dentist
Give the green light for your Zenyum aligners to go into production after approved by your dentist.